ESEE Sheath Accessory Pouch

Whenever I’m hiking, offroading, or otherwise in the back country I carry a few standard supplies, one of which is my knife with the attached ESEE Sheath Accessory Pouch. It’s a bit of an unsung hero as it doesn’t really do anything dramatic, it just holds a tin with a dollop of Vaseline, some cotton balls and a Light My Fire Army ferro rod.

It’s adjustable, has a secure clasp and has grommets for attaching to sheaths. My current knife is a little narrow in comparison so I used zip ties instead of bolts but it seems to work.

The only complaint I really have is that the buckle is rather large given the size of the pouch. I’d prefer something smaller as this isn’t a very stressed item.


Jeremy is the owner and editor of Calscadia.

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Who is Calscadia?

The name Calscadia came from a portmanteau of the CAL from California where I reside and SCADIA for the Cascades, where I’m from originally as well as in reference to Cascade Locks where I adopted a beloved Bernese Mountain Dog. I started this website and social media as an outlet to talk about the adventures I take, the people I meet and the gear I abuse along the way. When I talk about gear, I’ll tell you what works, what doesn’t and why I came to that conclusion. I purchase my own gear, am not sponsored and won’t put ads on videos because I hate that as much as you do. I may get money from affiliate links but you’ll always know that in advance. Hopefully I’ll see you out there!