Browsing category Gear

Leatherman Super Tool 300: Done.

I’m a huge fan of Leatherman tools, having had one on my hip literally since High School.  That was back in the time when you could still do something like that and not be pulled into the nearest police station, or shot, or both.  And no, I wasn’t a hick in a hick town, I’m

Who is Calscadia?

The name Calscadia came from a portmanteau of the CAL from California where I reside and SCADIA for the Cascades, where I’m from originally as well as in reference to Cascade Locks where I adopted a beloved Bernese Mountain Dog. I started this website and social media as an outlet to talk about the adventures I take, the people I meet and the gear I abuse along the way. When I talk about gear, I’ll tell you what works, what doesn’t and why I came to that conclusion. I purchase my own gear, am not sponsored and won’t put ads on videos because I hate that as much as you do. I may get money from affiliate links but you’ll always know that in advance. Hopefully I’ll see you out there!